Welcome to Socorro ISD's Employee & Student Portal
Please Log In With Your Full Email

My.SISD.net brings together a broad array of information and resources
for Socorro Independent School District teachers, administrators, employees
and students. The portal is an extension of our network communications system
enabling access to SISD information from any location in the world.

My.SISD.net is an official information system for the Socorro Independent School District (SISD).
You must be a school district employee, student or other authorized user to access this system.
The SISD Acceptable Use Policy fully applies to this system.

WARNING - Unauthorized attempts to access this system, upload information, change information
or otherwise impede the delivery of services by SISD servers is strictly prohibited and may be punishable
by law, including the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure
Protection Act. All evidence of criminal activity or information pertaining to such activity will be
provided to law enforcement officials.

12440 Rojas Dr. El Paso, Texas 79928 - (915) 937.0000

Socorro Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs, activities or employment.